Saturday, September 19, 2009

it's all right not to speak if you've got nothing worth hearing

this is unfortunate, but it has to come out somewhere.
the forum that I once knew as a haven and a refuge, where anyone was safe except those who were looking for others to use as spiritual scratching posts, is now a spiritual litterbox.
not that many, even most, of those who post there don't care, but a pathetic few who don't are ruining it for those who need it most.
if I still had a voice that meant a goddamn thing there I would tear these whores a new hole. how many others are going to give up and die because someone else has to swing the biggest dick in the theological locker room? I won't, I have real friends within minutes of my real-time address, but what about Moriah or all the others who got driven off?
stuff these slaves. to look at them you'd think Christianity was the most Darwinistic game in town. I hope every sodding one of them gets a chance to face the same tests they lambast others for failing.

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