Friday, January 21, 2011


I followed. There was nothing. I still followed. There was something, but I wasn't allowed to touch it. The Leader held my head under the water until I gurgled submissively and screamed in terror what He wanted to hear. That I wanted something, very badly. He smiled, and pointed to something ahead. I walked toward it with joy and passion. I felt an egg hatch in my ribcage.
Something is always out of reach. I wish I had been allowed to remember that. Nothing has moved in my ribcage for a long time now. All my shirts smell like rotting meat. No one asks why.
I followed because I loved. Now I follow because there is nothing else to do. And I am tired, and I am alone. There are others nearby, but they cannot hear me when I speak, because they are enveloped in something. And something is always out of reach.

1 comment:

Lana Vaughan said...

This still speaks to me.