Thursday, June 25, 2009


God have mercy on us.
I don't think I have the balls to face the prospect of seeing us through Your eyes.
You are love; are we so far gone that the only way to love us is to pull the plug?
We're pretty far gone; I know that much.
I'm not excited, I'm terrified.
I don't know what to do. Most of us aren't even looking to find out, and in that we are horribly wrong.
Nothing is too difficult for you, but some things may be too distasteful, and for that You cannot be blamed. I pray we aren't there yet.
You know what's best. That comforts and terrifies me. There's nothing here worth saving unless You say there is. I pray You can do so without denying Yourself.
In the name of Your Son Jesus Who spilled His blood to bring us to a much better place than the sewer we have made for ourselves, let it be according to Your will. Amen.